Senin, 01 September 2014

Food Combining Gone Wrong

By Cliff Walsh

Most people love a good meal overflowing with sugar, salt, and fat. What's not to like? It turns out, a lot. Each ingredient on its own is no picnic for your health, but together it is an experiment that could change your brain. Researchers believe that the three unhealthy ingredients foster the creation of dopamine, which in turn, drives the desire for more of said ingredients. Cravings relate to addiction.

Every person has a sweet spot, so to speak, or peak pleasure point as it relates to sugar, sodium, and fat. The food industry calls it the bliss point. It is the target they hope to hit to leave a lasting impression on your brain. Much research has been done on people

I recently read a study that fed rats a diet high in sugar, salt, and fat. Not only were the brain's pleasure chemicals activated at meal time, the researches believed the rats had withdrawal symptoms when the sugar, salt, and fat were reduced. Again, a sign of addiction. One study doesn't make a trend, but worth considering nonetheless.

It is easy to train our brains to eat too much. This happens when we overindulge in foods filled with sugar, sodium, and fat. Not only are they unhealthy on their own, but the fact that they can be addictive makes them that much worse. Furthermore, sugar and sodium can preserve food, resulting in a convenient product ready at a moment's notice to overeat. It's no wonder that obesity is an epidemic in the U.S. with rates skyrocketing.

Food industry execs, along with Madison Avenue advertisers, don't play nice either. They spend millions of dollars attempting to establish an emotional connection between you and their product. They want you to consider their product a comfort food. Have you ever watched a commercial where an overweight actor was inhaling a greasy cheeseburger? Of course not. They're always good-looking, fit people. These companies are very good at bypassing your conscious brain to make tie their product to feeling good.

Unfortunately, these foods are very unhealthy and make us fat. It is probably not the intention of food companies, but it happens nonetheless. Their focus is on profit and customer retention. They do this by unleashing the potent combo of salt, sugar, and fat. It's easy to succumb to so I suggest avoiding these products at the grocery story. Additionally, pack a snack bag when on the road or around town, so you keep yourself from indulging in the nearest unhealthy drive through, solely because it's there and you're hungry. Sweet fruits can work extremely well in ending sugar craves and healthy fats in nuts and seeds can help make you feel full. I highly recommend giving it a chance.

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