Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Non GMO Vitamins And Supplements

By Ina Hunt

Consumers today face a new challenge. Not only do they need to know which foods and health aids make up a healthy diet, they need to know how to get non GMO vitamins and supplements. Mainstream American farmers and food producers have enthusiastically embraced genetic modification. It's harder than ever to get truly natural, untainted foods and nutritional products. The only way to do it is to grow your own or find producers whose integrity you can rely on.

Efforts to include GMOs in certified organic or all-natural foods and products have so far been unsuccessful. Actually, there are no binding guidelines for 'natural' products. The food industry has spent millions in an attempt to keep from having to put any information about genetic engineering on labels. It's presently up to the consumer to find out if the products they take are free of this kind of tampering with nature.

It's also important to ask manufacturers directly about quality control policies. Few supplement producers make their own ingredients. Most buy raw materials and then compound their products; some merely buy already finished products and re-label them. The third-party 'organic' certification will mean that all ingredients are 'clean'. However, it's still the integrity of the producer that really matters. Remember, too, that an 'all-natural' claim may be virtually meaningless, since this term has not been legally defined.

Know your manufacturers. All reputable companies will post purity information on websites and display it on their labels. Never rely on advertisements, no matter how impartial or informational they seem. Few supplements are truly natural, anyway. Vitamins do not usually occur in nature in the concentration we have come to expect from our supplements. An orange contains 60 milligrams of Vitamin C; we want 500 to 1,000 milligrams in a single pill.

Be aware that many of the original and highly-regarded companies have been sold. Some of the best-known names in the industry now belong to huge, mainstream food and drug companies. Once a brand has been sold, consumers must do the research all over again to ascertain the level of commitment of the new owners.

Finding a non-GMO designation on the label is helpful, of course. More and more, manufacturers of truly natural products want customers to know that they are not including ingredients that have been changed into substances never found in nature. After all, the whole idea of alternative healing and health maintenance is that the body will take care of itself if given the right nutrition. If more companies keep their products 'clean' and advertised the fact, and if consumers learn to value truly natural products, the industry will correct itself.

Reports of research into the safety of genetic engineering are confusing for many. Industry-backed studies say these altered foods are safe. However, there's a lot of history in the food industry of unhealthy foods being touted as 'good for you.' Think of margarine, for instance. Once acclaimed as heart-healthy, it is now condemned - just as the health food people said all along.

Industry claims that genetic modification is safe are suspect because of conflict of interest and the history of the food industry using ingredients subsequently found to be harmful. Vitamin pills and other supplements that are natural are, of course, made from foods. The consumer who wants to be healthy and to live a natural life needs to shop carefully.

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