Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

The Many Benefits Of Fitness Over 40

By Nora Jennings

Age creeps up on everybody and once the magic age of forty is reached, the body changes. People of forty and older quickly learn that they are not able to do the same things they used to do so effortlessly when they were younger. However, staying fit remains a priority for those that wants to remain healthy and active. Fitness over 40 is definitely not a myth. It is possible to remain in top form, but it is necessary to change the way one exercises.

Once the age of forty is reached the body loses some of its elasticity. The ligaments, cartilage and tendons are much more vulnerable and injuries are a real danger. This is the age to change from high impact to low impact exercises. Aerobics and road running need should be forsaken and exercises such as cycling, walking, swimming and yoga should be considered because they do not pose such a high risk for injuries.

At this age it is also vital to start with strength building exercises. As the body age it starts to lose muscle but this can be prevented with strength exercises. These exercises also increase the elasticity of the joints and ligaments. It can even help to prevent osteoporosis because they also help to increase the bone density. It is never too late to start a strength exercise routine.

Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the effect of exercise on those older than forty. It has been proven that active people live longer than those that do not get any exercise. Active people are also less prone to heart disease, diabetes and asthma when they grow older. People that exercise are also less likely to become obese and they generally enjoy a better quality of life.

Too many people consider exercise to be a punishment. It does not have to be. Getting and remaining fit should be a pleasure. People older than forty do not need to join a gymnasium. They simply need to take up a sport or hobby that will get them moving. Even regular walks with the dog, household chores such as vacuuming and gardening can help people to remain physically active.

As one grows older the necessity for stretching exercises increases. Because the tendons and ligaments are less elastic, they are more prone to injury. Even low impact exercises can cause injuries and sprains. Experts advise that people in their middle ages stretch every time before they attempt any physical activity, even everyday activities in and around the house. Stretching is also important to keep the body flexible.

Anyone contemplating a new exercise routine should consider a consultation with a doctor. This is especially important for people that are overweight or that suffer from a chronic disease and that use medication on a regular basis. It may also be helpful to approach a fitness professional for advice on a healthy exercise regime. Some people find it easiest to join an exercise club as has become popular in Atlanta GA.

Getting fit should be a very important priority for all people aged forty or above. Fit people simply enjoy a better quality of life and they live longer than their unfit peers. Getting fit can be fun and it can do wonders for the self esteem.

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