Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

A Few High Blood Pressure Symptoms In Men

By Bradd Alan

Hypertension, which is commonly referred to as high blood pressure, is a silent killer disease that afflicts one in every three Americans; this is a whooping 65 million people. High blood pressure occurs when the pressure in the blood vessels rapidly rises to unmanageable high levels. Younger men are usually at a lower risk of having hypertension; but, the risks increase once they hit the age of 45. Since high blood pressure develops over time, there are no clear identifiable symptoms specific to it. This means that it takes a long time for it to develop to a point where it can cause damage to the heart, kidney, blood vessels and other body organs. A lot of precautions such as regular blood pressure checkups should be taken to ensure that the ailment does not progress to unmanageable levels. There are a few high blood pressure symptoms in men that you can use to recognize the disease early.

One of the major signs of high blood pressure in men is constant headaches especially in cases of hypertensive crisis; this is where the blood pressure rises above 180 in the systolic state and below 110 in the diastolic state. Diastolic pressure is the lower number of your heartbeats while systolic pressure is the top number.

A study conducted in the emergency room of a hospital indicated that 17% of all patients treated for hypertension suffered from nosebleeds, making nose bleeds a symptom of HBP. Nose bleeds can be caused by many other factors but, if you experience more than one nose bleed per week, this could be an indication that your blood pressure is consistently high. The study also indicated that nose bleeds are very common in the early stages of HBP.

Another symptom that may be an indication of high blood pressure in men is the formation of blood clots in the eyes. This happens once the veins in the eyes expand to support the blood pressure after which they contract once the pressure reduces. If the condition goes without treatment, it may cause severe harm to the optic nerves.

A flushed face is another characteristic of HBP. While a flushed face may also be triggered by other factors for example sun exposure and skin care products, a flushed face triggered by hypertension happens constantly and unexpectedly. You need to seek immediate medical attention if you experience this.

Constant lightheadedness is also one of the common signs of high blood pressure in men. Lightheadedness is triggered by the possible lack of blood circulating to the brain. Therefore causing a discrepancy that can lead to fainting.

Another high blood pressure symptom in men is shortness of breath. This is caused by a decrease of oxygen supply to the heart as the arteries in your body expand to accommodate the increasing blood pressure. When this happens difficulty in breathing is experienced.

Blood in the urine is a clear indicator that HBP in the body has gone untreated and has subsequently caused some damage to body organs. This is one of the telltale signs of severe hypertension in the body and should be treated with the seriousness it deserves. Medical assistance should be sought immediately.

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